Sunday 10 June 2007

Space to think

As I sit here at my laptop, I ask myself "Why am I doing this? Why am I 'blogging'?" And I guess there are a few reasons.... Firstly, I have been so impacted by reading people's blogs, who simply by sharing their thoughts and feelings have allowed me glimpses of God and a new revelation of different aspects of his character. If I can do the same for others then this will be worth it. Secondly, I like to think deep. One of my favourite things to do is to sit or walk with friends and grapple with things I have heard or read or felt. I find that writing helps me to do that. If I am going to communicate my grapplings with others, they must be thought through, start somewhere and end up somwhere else. Writing allows me the space and time to finish my thoughts. Not only that, but I love to write. It's very safe to say that artistic-ness is not one of my strong points. Put a sketching pencil in my hand and I freeze! But I love painting pictures with words. I think it allows the reader the freedom to see their own interpretation. I think it would be pretty unlikely for me and another person to read the same page of a book and have the same image in our minds. That is why I would rather read a book than watch television practically any day of my life. Thirdly, my wonderful housemate has just started to blog, and that gave me the kick up the bum I needed to start mine.

Reading back over this I realise that it is maybe a little intense for a first post, but hey, start as you mean to go on.....

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